Funding the Future
Investors are the backbone of the women’s health industry, offering founders the opportunity to bring their products to life. In this challenging investment landscape, we’re committed to making it as easy as possible for startups and investors to interact and form foundational partnerships that may pave the way to venture capital funding. We’d like to get as many investors on the FemInnovator Platform as possible to share their insights and perspectives with eager femtech founders.
That’s why we’re offering investors access to the FemInnovator Platform FREE of charge.
Contact us today to create your complimentary investor video and profile to start interacting with startups!
Contact us today to create your complimentary investor video and profile to start interacting with startups!
Pitch Perfect

We’ve heard founders and investors alike are seeking more opportunities to practice their pitches and receive/give actionable feedback outside the official pitching environment. We’re excited to announce our Pitch Perfect series which gives selected women’s health founders an opportunity to practice their pitches in a low stress environment where constructive feedback is the primary reward. Our Pitch Perfect series operates on a quarterly basis. We’re always looking for investors and experts to serve as judges in these practice pitches and would love to work with you!
Reach out to us today if you’d like to volunteer your time to judge a Pitch Perfect session!
Patient Advocacy Council

Women make 80% of the healthcare purchasing decisions and, on an individual level, consume more healthcare services than men (including having more frequent and complex medical needs). For this reason, it’s essential that femtech founders and women’s health innovators incorporate the patient voice into their products and services. If you’ve navigated the complexities of women’s health as a patient, it’s time to raise your voice and ensure innovators are creating the products you’d like to use. Join us as a member of our Patient Advocacy Council and collaborate with emerging femtech companies on their products and solutions!
As a member of the Patient Advocacy Council, you’ll have the ability to sign up for femtech roundtables where companies will discuss and present their innovations and solicit your feedback and insights. You’ll also have the opportunity to participate in femtech surveys and conversations about the future of women’s healthcare. While there is no compensation for joining and participating in the Patient Advocacy Council, if you’re selected for a company roundtable, you’ll be compensated for your time at the rate of $30/hour.

Sign up to join the Patient Advocacy Council today!